our Uniform
All students are required to wear an ASH branded top, plain black suitable bottoms and black jazz shoes or pumps only. (Strictly no logos, branding or otherwise should be visible on clothing.) UNIFORM PRICES: ASH T-Shirt Kids - £11.00 ASH T-Shirt Adult - £12.00 ASH Hoodie Kids - £16.00 ASH Hoodie Adults - £18.00 All uniform must be ordered in advance via the order form below, payment must be sent via transfer at time of order using your child's name as reference. Orders will be processed once we have received both your completed order form and payment, this will then be handed out in class. Thank you. Please make all payments to the following account: Mr A Holst (Lloyds Bank) Account Number: 46067268 Sort Code: 30-97-17 |